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"Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer at European scale"

WG4: Operation and data quality


  • T4.1: Review existing instrument operation methods, identify pathways for harmonising them, and make recommendations for improved methods and procedures. Identify institutions that could serve as national point-of-contact.
  • T4.2: Coordinate the development of algorithms (to retrieve physical ABL properties) that can be applied across measurement networks.
  • T4.3: Promote investigation of new technologies and implementation of hardware and software upgrades..


D4.1: Recommendations for configuration, operation, calibration, quality control.

D4.2: Delivery of algorithms or codes to produce level1 and level2 data products, handling manufacturer and generation heterogeneity with uniform metadata.

D4.3: Report on instrument field tests and investigations.


What's going on

The planned activities for now are:

  • online meeting in June with WG4 participants
  • collate a list of instruments operated by PROBE participants (survey preparation)
  • review existing instrument operation methods
  • homogenization of output products

People involved

Who is working in WG4?

We are setting-up task groups and determining responsible persons... more will come :)


Christine Knist

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chris Walden

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.