"Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer at European scale"
WG1: Transfer to applications
T1.1: Engage stakeholders from the identified groups and establish a user group covering a variety of application domains. Identify, review, and define ABL profiling user needs for different applications. Identify weaknesses hampering exploitation of ABL profiling by end-users.
T1.2: Coordinate studies to quantify the value of ABL profiling for various stakeholders.
T1.3: Provide training to end-users on the use and benefits of ABL profiling products.
D1.1: List of identified relevant stakeholders
D1.2: Report on user-requirements from stakeholders
D1.3: Recommendations for addressing the weaknesses identified in T1.1
D1.4: Recommendations for addressing studies that have not been covered by T1.2
D1.5: Report on ABL profiling impact quantification
What's going on
A small subgroup of the WG! started the preparation of a survey dedicated to the users's needs. The survey involves WG chairs and other people covering official roles within PROBE. The final survey is in preparation and will be made available soon.
People involved
Austria (1), Bulgaria (1), Czech Republic (1), Estonia (1), France (6), Greece (1), Rumenia (2), Slovakia (1), Spain (1), Switzerland (2), Italy (5), Denmark (1), Germany (1), UK (2), India (1), Serbia (4), Albania (1), Canada (1)
Henri Diemoz
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Simone Kotthaus
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.