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"Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer at European scale"


Networking is an excellent way for individuals at every stage of their careers to discover exciting opportunities, meet new connections, and broaden personal research horizons. COST Actions have been designed to maximize networking possibilities, featuring a wide range of tools and additional activities, which benefit individuals and wider research networks alike through strengthening research outcomes and community knowledge.

Networking tools

The PROBE COST Action will end this April.  The deliverables need to be finalised and the community knowledge on specific topics needs to be summarised for future reference. Networking tools to achieve this will be a priority (see the table below). Due to time constraints, the preferred networking tool is virtual mobility, but short-term scientific missions are also possible.

  • Virtual mobility grants (VMG)


    Virtual Mobility strengthens the existing networks by allowing individual participants to foster collaboration, exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc. These activities do not necessarily require in-person presence and may include surveys, questionnaires, preparation of protocols, virtual mentoring of activities that can generate capacity, build new skills, etc.

    Virtual Mobility Grant provides a contribution for the overall effort, not necessarily covered by an employer. The maximum amount is EUR 1 500 per grant.  The allocated budget is EUR 15 000 (together with STSMs).

  • Short-term Scientific Missions (STSM)


    Short-term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are exchange visits for researchers within their Action. This exchange program facilitates individuals to spend up to six months at an institution or laboratory based in a different country, which is also part of the Action. STSMs are great opportunities for researchers to share techniques and gain skills that may not be available at their home institution or laboratory.

    STSM Grant provides a contribution for traveling, accommodation and subsistence expenses, implementation of the project, delivery of the report to the COST Action MC, and overall effort. The maximum amount is EUR 4 000 per grant.  The allocated budget is EUR 15 000 (together with VMGs).

    Any subject related to the PROBE objectives and contributing to the PROBE deliverables can be an STSM topic. This includes various aspects of instrument operations or development, data processing and quality control, product development, or scientific applications. Either the researcher or the host institution can propose a specific topic for collaboration.

Relevant dates

  • The call is open from 3 April 2024 till 10 April 2024
  • The grant letters approving the applications will be sent by 14 April 2024
  • Activity dates: start of VMG: 15 April 2024, end of VMG: 26 April 2024
  • After the activity: submit a report and relevant documentation by 28 April 202

Selection of applicants

The evaluation of applications will be performed by the Grant Awarding Committee. The scientific scope of the activity must clearly complement the overall objectives and deliverables of the PROBE Action.

How to apply

  • Carefully read the COST Grant Awarding Guideline (
  • If not already registered, register for an e-COST profile at
  • Follow the steps in e-COST, choose COST Actions/ Grant Application/ +Apply for grant/  Virtual Mobility Grant
  • Fill in your personal details, COST Action number (CA 18235), and a title of VMG
  • Upload the grant application (template can be downloaded here :
  • Submit

After the Event

The Grantee must submit a short scientific report through e-COST by 28 April 2024. A template for the scientific report can be found in the e-COST or downloaded here: . No invoices will be requested, but the grantee should keep them for her/his record. Payment of the Grant is subject to the submitted scientific report being approved by the Grant Awarding Coordinator.

The full scientific report (either a finished deliverable chapter or a stand-alone scientific report) must be sent to the PROBE Grant Awarding Coordinator Klára Jurčáková (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 28 April 2024.

Grant Awarding coordinator

If you have any questions about Action Networking tools please contact PROBE Grant Awarding Coordinator Klára Jurčáková (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for detailed information and further advancement.

Topics to be addressed by the Virtual Mobility Grants (proposed at the end of the 8th MC meeting (Paris, 28/03/2024)




Coordinate on available radar processing routines


Exchange knowledge on forecast indices impact


Exchange information on UAS regulatory limitations


Support harmonization of T,H profile retrievals and intercomparison


Coordinate discussion on satellite observations calibration/validation


Coordinate on available ALC processing routines


Coordinate the gathering of use showcases from the community


Coordinate discussion on ALC history & calibration


Research coordination on the use of DWL products in urban settings


Support standardization/harmonization of ALC data


Coordinate discussion on summary for stakeholders (AQ & EP agencies)


Coordinate discussion on summary for stakeholders (Urban environment)


Coordinate discussion on summary for stakeholders (Wind Energy)


Coordinate discussion on summary for stakeholders (Solar Energy)


Support the information collection on field campaign/investigations


Survey showcases for synergy of wind lidar, cloud radar, and ceilometer


Coordinate the review of depolarization products and calibration


Coordinate discussion on aerosols products from ALC


Coordinate a survey for setting up an ABL profiling glossary


Virtual mentoring for capacity building of young researchers on DWL tool

The table is not exhaustive; please feel free to suggest another topic. 

The practical advices how to write the application

Examples of activities that can be performed by the VM grantee :

  • Virtual mentoring scheme, with special focus on activities and exchanges that can generate capacity building and new skills, particularly for Young Researchers and Innovators (e.g. managerial skills, methodological skills, communication skills, etc);
  • To support the harmonisation and standardisation of methods and procedures within the Action networking activities, e.g. coordinating the discussions to create common protocols to be used by the network afterwards; setting up a survey amongst all Action members to collect different results and outcomes from experiments done in their respective labs and research groups;
  • To support the implementation of research coordination related activities that do not necessarily require in person presence, e.g. computational or modelling activities; or data analysis of the Action for a specific report or activity.


Please remember, that it always must be cooperation among researchers form different institutions.